Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and we would like to communicate with you about love church and it’s activities.

Personal data is any information about a living individual which allows them to be identified. Any personal information held by love church about you is stored and processed in line with the Guernsey Data Protection Law 2001, as amended. If you are aged 13 or under your parent or guardian should confirm their consent.

Love Church may also hold your personal information at its registered office or in google drives. Specific group information held by group leaders will be held in accordance the love church Privacy Policy. If you make contact through Facebook, your information will be held in Messenger.


Love Church uses WhatsApp as its main source of communication. Provision of your mobile number to be included in one or more groups is treated as your consent. Official Love Church WhatsApp groups will only be set up by the Founders or the Team Leader. Any other groups are unofficial and will not fall under this Privacy Policy.

From time to time, WhatsApp group members share links to other websites or YouTube clips. Please note that we have no control of these. If you provide information to a website we are not responsible for its protection and privacy.

WhatsApp messages will be retained indefinitely, even if you have left the group. Other information will be retained for a period of 5 years and will be deleted or shredded after this time.

Please note that with inclusion into Love Church WhatsApp group(s) your mobile number will be visible to other people in the Group.

We ask that mobile numbers are not shared with other people outside of the group without that person's prior approval, however this is outside of the control of love church and cannot be monitored or controlled.

You may be added to new WhatsApp groups from time to time for specific events or purposes. You are able to remove yourself from these groups at any time.

If you change your mind about storing your personal data with us please notify us by emailing Thank you.