Life changing ministry.

The Sozo Ministry

Sozo is a form of ministry developed by Bethel Church in Redding California and now used all over the world as a tool to bring freedom and deepen our connection withFather, Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said “I came that you may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Sozo is translated in the new testament as “Saved – healed – delivered”.

Salvationmust mean more than simply being saved to go to heaven when you die. Not onlyare you free from the judgement of God, this salvation also includes the ability to resist temptations to sin in your pursuit of Christ-likeness, to be saved from the spiritual attacks and oppression, and to receive healing in our physical bodies and emotions. 

Why is Sozo Relevant to Me?

It might help to think of a Sozo as an MOT on your spiritual life. Stuff happens, in our family life, church life, at work and in our friendships. We do things – other people do things, random stuff happens, all of which impacts us. From conception onwards we all receive wounds which open us up to lies about ourselves, others and God. It is very important that the Holy Spirit gets involved. He tells us the truth which, when we are open to Him, changes our thought patterns and brings healing.

What to expect

Sozo is about equipping and empowering the guest to hear from Heaven for themselves. The team of 2 people will invite the guest to ask questions of Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. This revelation, and the prayers that accompany it, will bring healing of wounds that people have carried, sometimes for many years.

Sozo is a confidential safe space. It is gentle and non-invasive and because it is lead by the Holy Spirit it is always encouraging. The guest is always in control and their primary interaction is with God Himself whilst the team are there to facilitate and lead in prayers. The session usually lasts 1-1.5 hours and a second session can be arranged if it is felt there is more to address.

How do I go About Getting a Sozo?

Appointments are available at various times Monday to Friday including some evenings.

For more information regarding the Sozo Ministry go to